Xtreme Manly Man Force of Intense Badassery

Release date:   28 Mar 2023
ISBN Ebook:   9789493287426
ISBN Print:   9789493287433
ISBN Audio:   -





Release date:   2024
ISBN Ebook:   9789493287570
ISBN Print:   9789493287587
ISBN Audio:   -





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The Fountain of Testosterone

They’re going to need a lot more than infinity gallons of blood for this one…
A band of manliest of men embark on a crusade set against the backdrop of evildoers, villains, and cutthroats, while one of them seeks revenge for a perceived slight that launches them down a path that none may return from.
The bottom line in this fantasy, sci-fi satire is – death is coming, and it may be yours.
Obliterate your fears – jump into the wild depths of Subspace to discover just how manly men can become!




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The Isle of Deadly Dooming Death

Infinity gallons of blood? Oh no no no – It's an entire Universe of gore this time…
After miserable failure, defeated and lacking confidence, our anti-heroes set on a new adventure, with a couple new additions to the group.  
But with a kingdom of plagued xenophobes, rouge knights, necromancers, sea monsters that look like private parts, and even more rally up to stop them, will our lads even make landfall to their destination?
Can Ultra Death Graveman Death Death Death use all his (arguably existent) wits to combat the inherent toxicity within the group dynamic, and keep these idiots alive for another book?


Coming Soon



These novels are satirical in nature – allow me to spread the jam out on the toast for you on this one:

These novels contain mature, “badass” material and themes that some readers will find highly offensive but mostly cool. Expect bad words said by grownups, potty words, blood, guts, and more than one reference to sexual bits, actions, and/or orientations, most of which will likely be used in derogatory or otherwise offensive manners. Social insult and generally offensive behavior is part of the subtext of this story. Begin this text with the expectation that big angry men are running to where you are right now to hurt your feelings, because they are. This is intended for audiences of sixteen years or older, though every human develops at different paces of tolerance. Sexuality, Ability, Ethnicity, Culture, and more are all on the chopping block in order to provide the most appropriately accurate “Subspace” experience as possible.

Use your own discretion.

You have been warned.